Godfather 2.0. Oscar Isaac and Jessica Chastain both give a brilliant performance, and the feeling of cold-stone and old history is very sophisticated. Only this time, violence actually doesn't rule - integrity does. I was kind of hoping the script would turn dark and evil.
“Because genius is not enough; it takes courage to change people’s heart.” -“Thank you for sharing your husband with me.” -“Thank you for helping him with the letters.” 剧本非常扎实设计很聪明演员让角色更加丰满 女性角色的加入让剧本多了几分灵动在两位男主间搭上了桥梁 虽说剧情处理方法很套路但对种族问题的喜剧化呈现和良好的节奏把握也算是创新点 个体身份认同、种族认同、国家认同和文化认同是四件事 吵架的人可能连基本的概念都没厘清 最后没想到是部公路片 这也是我的旅程终点了